TU Eindhoven

Spirit of collaboration

Eindhoven University of Technology is a young university, founded in 1956 by industry, local government and academia. Today, their spirit of collaboration is still at the heart of the university community. We foster an open culture where everyone feels free to exchange ideas and take initiatives.

Personal attention and room for talent

Eindhoven University of Technology offers academic education that is driven by fundamental and applied research. Our educational philosophy is based on personal attention and room for individual ambitions and talents. Our research meets the highest international standards of quality. We push the limits of science, which puts us at the forefront of rapidly emerging areas of research.

Scientific curiosity with a hands-on mentality

Eindhoven University of Technology combines scientific curiosity with a hands-on mentality. Fundamental knowledge enables us to design solutions for the highly complex problems of today and tomorrow. We understand things by making them and we make things by understanding them.

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  • TU Eindhoven
  • Den Dolech 2 TR2.0
  • 5612 AZ Eindhoven

Het aanbod van deze aanbieder

Nascholing practicum binnen de sectie scheikunde: argumenten doelen en inhoud

Deze nascholing helpt je om als sectie bewuste keuzes te maken over scheikundepractica en om samen te komen tot een verbeterd programma. Je leert onderbouwde argumenten te wegen en drogredenen te vermijden. Door inzicht in verschillende rollen van practica, zoals vaardigheden, onderzoek, en modelontwikkeling, versterk je je onderwijs. Doe mee en werk samen aan een toekomstplan dat je scheikundepracticum naar een hoger niveau tilt!